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快报:compound sentence的意思 compound

来源:城市网   时间:2023-05-08 23:15:54



1、compoundA. |ˈkɒmpaʊnd |noun① (enclosure with buildings) 有围墙的建筑群 a diplomatic/industrial/military/prison compound外交人员公寓/工业园/军方基地/监狱场地 ② South African (living area) 矿工院 ③ Chemistry 化合物 carbon compounds碳化合物 ④ Linguistics 复合词 an adjective compound复合形容词 ⑤ (mixture) 混合物 his policy is a compound of caution and imagination他的政策既谨慎又富有想象力 B. |ˈkɒmpaʊnd |adjective attributive① Biology, Botany 复的 a compound eye/leaf复眼/复叶 ② Linguistics 复合的 a compound word/adjective/tense/sentence复合词/形容词/时态/句 C. |kəmˈpaʊnd |transitive verb① figurative (exacerbate) 使…加剧 ‹difficulty, anxiety›to compound misfortune with error出错而使不幸加剧 ②to be compounded of or from [something]formal (be formed) «whole, policy, theory, language»由某物构成his character was compounded of wisdom and generosity他的性格兼具智慧和大度 ③ Chemistry, Pharmacology (mix) 混合 ‹ingredient(s), chemicals›to compound [something] with [something]将某物与某物混合望采纳~。



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